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Our weekly Sunday Service is at 10.30am - all are welcome.
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This gives me joy to introduce myself as the new minister of the Chelmsford Circuit, subject to the 2024-2025 Conference. I am delighted to offer pastoral oversight mainly to the Trinity Methodist Church and largely to the other Circuit Churches. I have this dependable conviction, that firstly, I am a shepherd to my family and secondly to God's people (Church) who are my wider family. God has blessed me with three beautiful daughters. We were rewarded by His prevenient grace to celebrate the wedding of our eldest daughter in June 2024. I am married to Rev. Rohama, who is also a Methodist minister in the Romford Circuit in London, and I am staying in her circuit in Upminster. My apologies, that I won’t be living in the circuit. My wife has a few years left to serve in her present circuit.
I love to be among people, as I am a people person and I am a servant leader among equals, who are truly open to new ways of mission that leads to fruitfulness. It is an honour and privilege to minister God and His people, whether they are in a large town, the suburbs or a city area. I have a passion to offer leadership and help to adults and youth to discern and understand various intergenerational, ecclesiastical and contemporary concerns and issues. My ministry is a mirror of my own personality; I prefer natural and spirited patterns and esteem a collaborative leading style of accepting and engaging individuals to discover, learn and observe our calling to further both the local and the global mission. I am approachable, an encourager, flexible within limits, and friendly.
Rev'd Asif Karam
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Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road,
Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2XB
Tel: (01245) 269079
Office: Wed 10.00am till midday. 01245 269079
Email: trinitymethodistchelmsford@btconnect.com
We shall look forward to welcoming you.
Rev'd Asif Karam
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