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Rev'd Asif Karam, Minister
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Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Trinity Methodist Church in Chelmsford, is divesting from fossil fuels following a vote at the October Church Council.  In taking this bold step, Trinity joins with 6 other Methodist Churches as well as the national United Reformed Church and Quakers in Britain.

‘As a global family we face a climate emergency and an emergency requires an urgent response. Like the good Samaritan we cannot ignore a suffering planet or continue investing in fossil fuels which are causing the pain.’  Rev Mark Pengelly Minister


5 reasons why divestment is good news

1. The burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil etc.) are one of the main contributors to rising carbon dioxide levels contributing to climate change. In 2015 the UN Paris Agreement  agreed a target of a global temperature rise well below 2 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.

2. Divestment sends a message to  fossil fuel companies Fossil fuel companies cannot continue with ‘business as usual’ if the world is to avoid catastrophic climate change. Somalia reached an agreement with a Shell Exxon Mobil in a joint venture on 24 February 2020 that covers future exploration of offshore oil and gas blocks. (Petroleum Economist). The Paris Agreement targets cannot be met unless we move away from our dependency on fossil fuels.

3. Wise stewardship  Investments in fossil fuels are at risk of what Mark Carney (ex governor of the Bank of England) described  in December 2019 as ‘stranded assets’ as the world reduces it’s dependency on fossil fuels.

 4. Investing in a green recovery  By taking an ethical approach and divesting from fossil fuels we are able to invest ethically in alternative technologies and build a green recovery from Covid. Our investments can be part of the solution not the problem.

5. Loving our neighbour – We are called to love our neighbour which means loving our planet. By divesting we are demonstrating how our Christian faith inspires us to act on behalf of our global neighbour already experiencing the effects of climate change.


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